Changing a miter saw blade is an easy art; if you know how to do it. It can also be a hassle; if you have never done it. It can be very terrifying as the stakes are very high.
You can fall into a serious accident; if the blade is not set up properly and or if you try to detach the blade without proper measures.
So, it is of pivotal importance that you know how to change the blade of a miter saw properly. To help you with that I’m here an expert of the miter saw. I did it thousands of times.
So, here you go 5 easy steps to change the blade of the miter saw. But before we move into the steps let’s examine whether you really need to change the blade (spending a ton of money) and why you should actually change the blade.
So, what are we waiting for!
Let’s begin!
Do you really need to change the blade of your miter saw?
You have every right to change the blade of your miter saw. But the question is do you really need it? Is this the perfect time? And, if that is the case then how did you determine that your miter saw is in need of a brand new blade?

It is evident that, with the passage of time, the blade of the saws becomes dull and unfunctional, like every other tool in the world. Your blade stops working the way it used to at the beginning. Maybe that’s why you want to change the blade.
There can be other reasons like your blade does not give you the desired cuts. Simply by looking at the cuts of the wood, you can determine whether you /have a functional blade or not. The cuts in the wood might have unusual burns. There might not be even any precision.
Additionally, there is an excessive amount of chips. If these are the symptoms then you are in need of changing the blade of your miter saw. But those things need to happen continuously.
If you once see an unusual burn and want to change the blade the next moment, it would not be a good idea and would be a waste of money.
Why change saw blade?
Now that you are familiar with the reasons as to why you should not change the blade of your saw. Let’s discuss why you should change the blade of your miter saw. There are some obvious reasons that you should take into account and change the blade.
First of all, if a blade is dull, it needs to be changed right away. If you do not change it immediately, it can damage the precious woods and even be detrimental to the health of the miter saw. By no means, you should have a dull blade in your miter saw.
It is really difficult to cut any sort of materials with a dull blade, it puts extra pressure on the miter saw. You can never get an optimum level of power from the miter saw, with a dull blade. (Read this article about 135 Angle cut on a Miter Saw.)

So, the miter saw loses its efficiency, your wood gets damaged and your safety is in danger. In this case, you should change the blade. Secondly, not only a dull blade, power saws need various blades for various materials. If you need to cut metal, and you have a wood cutting blade then you need to change it to a wood cutting blade.
Thirdly, Teeth per inch (TPI) can be another reason to change your blade. The current blade you are using might have a blade that has more TPI, and you are in need to cut materials at a fast pace. In this case, also, you need to change the blade of your miter saw and get a blade with less number of TPI.
The important thing to remember here is that the more TPI a blade has the more accurate the cut is and the less TPI a blade has the faster the cut is! Last but not least, if you want to have different cuts, you might need to change the blade. You need to have various types of cuts for various types of cuts.
If you currently do not have a particular type of blade for a particular cut, then you know what to do, pal!
How to Change the Blade on a Miter Saw?
Now that you are aware about why you should change the blade of your miter saw and why you should not change the blade, let’s discuss how to change the blade of your miter saw with these five easy tips.

An important thing to take into account here is that in the market there are different types of miter saws, and most probably you have a manual with your miter saw, which have the instructions and or find instructions for your specific brand online.
5 Easy Steps to Change your Miter Saw Blade
These processes I would be describing should be fine for the majority of the miter saws in the market. But you know, specifics are better.
Step 1:
First and foremost, you need to make sure that all the pieces of equipment are ready; and by the equipment, I mean you, a Phillips-head screwdriver, and a socket set.

Step 2:
The second thing you need to do is to disconnect the miter saw from the power source because if you try to change the blade from a power connected saw, it can cause a serious accident. Then you should lift the spindle cover. You can begin by transferring the blade guard at the top. After that, you should take the front screw and let it fall back to the rear screw.
Step 3:
As you have dropped the guard away, you should hold the spindle pin lock very tightly. You can use the help of an Allen key to exclude the holding blade in a right-handed or dextral position.
After that, you should eliminate the outer washer. You can easily do the task using your hands. You can keep the inner washer in its respective place, it will not do any good.

Step 4:
Once you are done with step 3, now you can easily reinstall the blade. You should wash down the oil from outer and inner washers. Be mindful of adding the new blade with the teeth lining downward.
Once you are done attaching it correctly, put the outer washer back in the original state. You can use fingers to the comfort of the attachment. Then you can use an Allen key to tighten the bolt.
Step 5:
Last but not least, make sure that your blade is tightly attached. In order to avoid risks, be very meticulous about the process. As you are done with all of those, tighten the blade guard of your miter saw and then lower it.
Check whether the spindle pin is lock or not; if it is disengaged with the wrench then tight the bolt cover in order to ensure it is fixed properly.
So, if you follow the five easy tips, you should be able to change your miter saw easily. Feel free to read the passage again or use an alternative method.
Your ultimate goal is to change the blade, without hurting you or the miter saw.
Best of Luck!
Generally, the miter saw is a great power tool to use for a variety of cutting, shaping, breaking, and other relevant tasks. To stay safe, you should never do some silly work. Such as: do not spread your hands over the rotating saw blade, never miss holding the saw handle, do not use the saw on any unstable surface, never miss attaching the secure clamp while cutting small wood pieces, and not using the saw without a blade guard. Lastly, never use it for any hard metal cutting.
Using a miter saw is easy if you know the basic tips and tricks. Try looking at the specification section first to familiarize yourself with the product. Then, set up the tool simply by following the instruction manual. Next, try to learn how to use the positive stops in a miter saw to make 45-degree angle cutting. At last, make sure to use the saw daily and store it in a safe place.
Before using a miter saw in heavy-duty work, make sure you follow all the precautions like wearing gloves, goggles, hard hats, PVC boots, and a safety mask (to avoid respiratory problems). After that, use a dust extraction bag to avoid dust pollution. Next, make sure to attach all the saw components tightly. Never spread your hands on the running saw blade. Importantly, use the secure clamp to handle small timber pieces. Lastly, unplug the tool after finishing your job.
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